Pre & Post Care Instructions for
Botox/Dysport Treatment

Pre Care
Avoid alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to decrease risk of bruising as alcohol may thin your blood and increase the risk of bruising.
Avoid anti-inflammatory and other blood thinning medications if possible, ideally for a week before treatment. Medications such as Aspirin and NSAID's (Ibuprofen) and supplements such as Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, and St. John's Wort are all blood thinning agents and can increase the risk of blood thinning and bruising after injections.
If you are planning on attending a special event such as a party or wedding, please schedule your neuromodulator appointment at least 2 weeks before the big day to avoid any bruising from an injection.

Post Care
Avoid alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours after treatment to decrease risk of bruising as alcohol may thin your blood and increase the risk of bruising.
Avoid anti-inflammatory and other blood thinning medications if possible, ideally for a week after treatment. Medications such as Aspirin and NSAID's (Ibuprofen) and supplements such as Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, and St. John's Wort are all blood thinning agents and can increase the risk of blood thinning and bruising after injections.
If you are planning on attending a special event such as a party or wedding, please schedule your neuromodulator appointment at least 2 weeks before the big day to avoid any bruising from an injection.
No straining, heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, or manipulation of the area for 4 hours following treatment.
Do not lie down or bend over for 4 hours after your treatment.