Pre & Post Care Instructions for Dermal Filler

Kybella Pre Care
To see maximum results of KYBELLA, it is essential that you do not gain weight during the entire course of your treatment series. You may be weighed at the beginning and end of your treatment series. Even weight gain of just a few pounds can negate your results.
To decrease the chance of bruising and bleeding at the injection site, avoid taking all optional blood thinning medications one week prior to treatment. These medications include Aspirin and NSAIDS. Please notify our office in advance if you are taking Coumadin, Plavix, or any other blood thinner.
Dermal Filler Pre Care
If you have a history of Herpes (cold sores) with an outbreak more than 4 times a year it is recommended that you are pretreated with medication. This office recommends Valtrex 2GM the day before or the day of the treatment and then another 2GM’s 12 hours after the first dose. **Please let us know that you need a prescription if you do not have this medication on hand.**
If you develop a cold/flu, cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. in the area to be treated prior to your appointment, you must reschedule (We will not treat you).
It is recommended, if you have a special event or vacation coming up, schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance.
It is recommended you discontinue use of Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.
It is recommended that you avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates (you may eat fruit), spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours before and after your treatment. (All of these factors may increase risk of bruising)
It is recommended you discontinue Retin-A 2-3 days before treatment to avoid increased redness and irritation.
Kybella Post Care
Redness, swelling, firmness/hardness and bruises are common post procedure occurrences, the sensation of burning/stinging that occurs with the procedure generally resolves within the first day. Soreness, swelling and firmness tend to gradually decrease 1-4 weeks following procedure.
No use of steroids or other anti-inflammatory medications (aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve etc.) for 48 hours following treatment, to reduce the risk of bruising.
Avoid exercising and eating salty foods for 48 hours following procedure, to reduce excess swelling.
May sleep with head propped up on a pillow or two for first few days following procedure to aid in reduction of swelling.
Ice may be applied to the area to reduce discomfort, best to ice no longer than 2-5 minutes at a time to avoid freezing the tissues. May ice several times daily as needed. COURSE OF TREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS
Limit optional anti-inflammatory oral medications such as Aspirin and NSAIDS.
Tylenol products may be used for pain.
Canyon View Wellness & Spa suggests the use of the following products throughout your entire KYBELLA treatments to maximize your results: Epionce Intense Defense Serum and Epionce Renewal Facial Cream or Sanitas PeptiDerm Firming Serum.

Dermal Filler Post Care
Do NOT touch, press, rub or manipulate the implanted area for 6 hours after treatment. You can cause irritation, sores and/or problems and possible scarring if you do.
Avoid vigorous exercise and sun/heat exposure for 3 days after treatment.
We recommend you AVOID Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E or any other essential fatty acids at least 3-7 days after treatment.
We recommend you do NOT use Retin-A or like products (ex. Kinerase, Tazarac) for 2 days after treatment to avoid increased irritation and redness.
It is best to wear no makeup or lipstick until the next day. Earlier use can cause pustules. If you must wear makeup we recommend a good quality mineral makeup.
We recommend you AVOID: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates (you may eat fruit), spicy foods and cigarettes 24-48 hours before and after your treatment.
Please remember one side may heal faster than the other side.
Regarding your lips: Don’t love them or hate them for 2 weeks. You must wait 2 weeks before retreating or correction.
Please report any increased pain and increased swelling, redness, blisters or itching immediately should it occur following your treatment.