Post Care Instructions for Facial Treatments

Post Care
Avoid picking at any blemishes. If it was not extracted during your facial, it is likely still too deep or irritated to be removed.
Avoid applying facial makeup for 24 hours.
Use a gentle cleanser for 72 hours post-treatment. The skin can be more sensitive after a facial, and it is important to treat it as such.
Avoid saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools, excess sweating, and heat for 24 hours post-treatment. This is also due to the skin being more sensitive and the conditions created by heat/chemicals, etc. can be too harsh for the skin immediately post-treatment.
Avoid exfoliating products and astringents such as toners, glycolic acid and other alpha hydroxy acids, salicylic acid, retinols, and scrubs for 72 hours.
Avoid facial waxing for one week.