Post Care Instructions for
PDO Threading

Effects should be noticeable immediately after treatment. However, maximum effect will occur in 4-6 weeks.
Bruising and swelling is normal and expected. If bruising is visible you can take oral Arnica or apply topical Arnica gel or a Cearna Arnica patch to areas that are discolored.
Asymmetry and irregularity of the tissue is common and will typically resolve in one to two weeks.
Pain at the insertion points is normal and may last several days after treatment. Please consult your provider for any pain beyond 2 weeks.
Excessive movement or animation of the area injected for 2 weeks.
Massage or manipulation of the tissue for 2 weeks.
Aesthetic treatments including RF, IPL, Laser, or microneedling for 4 weeks.
Strenuous exercise for 1 week after facial treatments and 2 weeks after body treatments. No deep squats for one month if you have had any threads injected into the buttocks area.
Steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, or any water source that could be unclean or excessive in temperature for two weeks.
Taking Ibuprofen for 2 weeks. Acetaminophen may be taken instead, if needed.
When to Call:
If any of the threads are exposed or start to extrude.
If you develop a reddened, hard, painful nodule over one or more of the threads.
If you experience increased redness, swelling, or pain at the insertion site.
Irregularity or visible ridges (buckling) of threads (2 weeks post-treatment).
If you have any questions regarding your treatment.
Please Note: To increase the rate of healing time and decrease swelling and bruising, your provider may encourage you to take oral antihistamines (Zyrtec, Benadryl) and histamine blockers (Zantac, Prilosec, Tagamet).