Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are a non-invasive way to improve the appearance of your skin
Types of Chemical Peels
Jessners Chemical Peel
The Jessner solution is a commonly used medium-depth peeling agent, which means the solution only affects the upper layer of the dermis in a controlled manner. This peel uses a combination of salicylic acid, resorcinol, and lactic acid. It is used to reduce dark patches and age spots, even out skin tone, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearance of scars, and treat melasma, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars. The solution triggers an inflammatory response from the skin layers below the top-most layer. This leads to the restoration of sun damage, and the improvement of the problem areas.
TCA Chemical Peel
A TCA Chemical Peel is a noninvasive skin treatment used to treat skin discolorations, scarring, and wrinkles. These peels get their name from trichloroacetic acid (TCA), which is used to clear dead skin cells and reveal the newer and smoother skin layers below. Once that top layer of skin has peeled off, a layer of brand-new skin cells becomes visible. Often, the new layer of skin is smoother and less affected by “imperfections” such as wrinkles and scarring. This peel exfoliates your skin by using a combination of nontoxic acid ingredients. The TCA Peel comes in a variety of strengths and concentrations of acid to adjust accordingly to the patients needs.
Epionce Sal-e & Mal-e
Chemical Peels
These Epionce chemical peel use a combination of malic acids, salicylic acids, and botanical extracts to reduce inflammation. This peel helps reduce the appearance of acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. Providing maximum cell turnover and minimal irritation, this peel has little to no downtime. The salicylic acid targets acne and the malic acid targets redness and irritation. Even though these two acids can be used separately for peels, they work well together to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, inflammation, and irritation.
Epionce Lite Peel
The Epionce Lite Peel works to re-establish an overall improved epidermal quality. The main benefit of the peel is to enhance skin hydration and encourage cell turnover by deploying natural ingredients with little to no recovery time. It can be used to reverse hyperpigmentation issues, soften the symptoms of mild acne and improve the appearance of fine lines. The peel itself consists of malic and salicylic acids which is an essential in skin exfoliating. This combination of ingredients boost new skin cell production and leaves the skin clearer, smoother, and strengthens the skin’s natural barrier response.